3 Things to Keep your House Sparkling Clean

Cleanliness is next to godliness goes a saying that has now become trite, however, that has not removed the import message it conveys – forming the habit of cleanliness. One area that is not so easy to build a cleaning habit on is the house.  The average individual would want to have or live in a house that looks sparkling clean, so… How do you keep it clean and maintain its cleanliness all the time? How do you keep that house looking sparkling clean? If these questions play in your mind, have comfort in knowing that you are not alone.

Today we shall be looking at three important guides, which I prefer to call rules to help you keep your house sparkling clean. Essentially they are rules because they need to be followed.

Get more organized

Most people tend to associate the word organization to the world of business. However, it is also needed in every aspect of our life, and the home front not being the least. To be organized requires you to have a proper arrangement for everything in the house. Let everything in the house have a place of its own. This will prevent your whole house from being cluttered; nothing makes a house look more messy and untidy than when clothes and other items in the house that ought to be in closets or drawers are left to lie around.

Do not postpone your cleaning need until later

You have to form the habit of always cleaning whatever needs to be cleaned once it gets dirty. Doing so will prevent items requiring cleaning from piling up. Such a habit will help keep the whole house clean and tidy and reduce stress. A task that most people delay or forget about is window cleaning because it can be hard to reach and can be quite messy. However, clean windows allow more light into the home which improves productivity and wellbeing. If you prefer to outsource it, there are many professional cleaning companies out there who are prepared to compete for your job.  Whatever the task, it is important to keep on top of it and don’t allow it to get out of control.

Keep a Checklist

Keeping a checklist or a to-do list is one crucial way of achieving efficiency in your cleaning task. Now, whether you do the cleaning yourself or you engage someone to do it for you, you need to have a checklist. Having a checklist of what area or items in the house would be cleaned and when, will save you time, make you more efficient, ensure that nothing is left out and leave you with a house that looks sparkling clean and inviting. The checklist will typically have daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly cleaning task. A checklist can equally enable you to prioritize the cleaning needs of your house.

These three rules, if followed, will not only keep your house clean, neat, and tidy but will also reduce the stress and anxiety associated with a dirty house.  You’ll be happy to be in your sparkling clean house, and you’ll see and feel the benefits immediately.



